From Ogeez To Stiizy, Mint Launches Discounts
For Arizona Cannabis Industry Workers With FA Card
Mint Cannabis, a cannabis operator headquartered in Arizona, announced a new industry discount for facility agent card holders who work in the cannabis industry.
With the Mint’s new discount program, FA cardholders can enjoy significant savings on a wide range of products every Wednesday through Sunday. They will receive a 15% industry discount on these days, allowing them to access cannabis products at an affordable price.
Furthermore, the Mint is offering a 30% industry discount on Mondays and Tuesdays. This discount is equivalent to its employee discount, enabling FA cardholders to enjoy substantial savings on these specific days.
The savings do not stop there. The Mint is providing an additional 20% discount to FA cardholders on select products on Mondays and Tuesdays. The following brands are eligible for this extra discount:
High Grade: all products
Stiizy: all products
WTF Extracts: all products
Angry Errl: all products
Sofa King Edibles: all products
Venom Extracts: all products
Aeriz: all products
Smokies: all products
Ogeez: all products
With the combination of the 30% industry discount and the additional 20% discount on these select brands, cannabis industry workers can now enjoy a 50% discount on any Monday or Tuesday at any of the six Mint dispensary locations in metro Phoenix.
“We are thrilled to provide such substantial discounts to cannabis industry workers with facility agent cards in Arizona,” stated Eivan Shahara, CEO of Mint Cannabis. “These discounts are the largest discounts available to non-Mint employees. They were designed to demonstrate our appreciation for the hard work and dedication of cannabis industry professionals. We believe this program will not only benefit the people who work in our field, but it will also contribute to the growth and success of the entire cannabis industry.”
It is important to note that the discounts apply to all regular-priced items. There is no deal stacking.